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Main » 2011 » October » 30 » Prevent your FB account being hacked!
10:57 PM
Prevent your FB account being hacked!
Facebook -- Safety from Hacking 
1. Go to Facebook.com and hit on Forgot Password link to get this page:
Facebook Hacking | Silenthacker.in

2. You have to enter the email of the victim, or even the Facebook profile name will do. 
Facebook will search for profile name and you will be shown the account. 
Hit on "This is my account” 
Facebook Hacking Tricks 2011
3. On the next page, hit on "No longer have access to these”. 
4. You will be prompted for email address. 
Enter your email address here and hit on "Submit”.
5.Facebook will ask you ask you to answer the Security question.
No worries here. 
Just enter the wrong answer 3 times 

Ethical Hacking in India
7. Now comes the real hacking part. 
After hitting on Continue, Facebook will ask you to select the 3 Trusted Friends. 
Your 3 fake accounts (created previously) will be listed in the Friends list of the victim. 
Select those 3 Fake accounts. 
Facebook will send security codes to these Fake accounts (which are our accounts). 
Now, enter the 3 security codes. 
Facebook will send Password Recovery Email at your email you’ve entered in Step 4. 
You can easily change password of your friend’s account. 

Thus, you are successful in hacking Facebook account password of your friend. 

Note: The victim will be emailed about the password change. 
So, this method of hacking Facebook account is useful only for those whose victim does not check emails regularly.


Do have good secret set of questions for your account , secret questions like what is my pet name , what is my cell no etc are bogus these days and can be guessed by anyone who a bit know u . 

So stay safe and have some strong and good secret questions.

Views: 520 | Added by: PREET | Tags: Hacking Facebook | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 3
3 predator  
this does not work now sad

2 arsh  
don't use it to harm someone. this site is not responsible for ur actions.

1 gr8n00b  
THIS is Awesome!! thnx d00d

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