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Main » 2011 » October » 29

Tips to Prevent and Recover from LAPTOP THEFT

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Views: 337 | Added by: arsh | Date: 2011-10-30 | Comments (0)

Facebook Tracks its Users...!

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Views: 297 | Added by: arsh | Date: 2011-10-30 | Comments (2)

Google Hacking

Well let me tell You what actually google tricks mean. Google tricks/google tips, does not mean hacking google, Using the below Google operators, we can get the desired google result very quickly. Well we can name this as hidden google secrets or Advanced google searching.                   &nbs ... Read more »

Views: 2952 | Added by: arsh | Date: 2011-10-30 | Comments (44)

Secure your System!!

Hackers and Browser Hijacking is one area of the Net that affects everyone at some stage. In addition to having third party utilities such as SpyBot, Anti Virus scanners and firewalls installed there are some changes that can be made to Windows 2000/XP. Below are some details to make your system safer from hackers and hijackers. Some of these tips require editing of the Registry so it is wise to either backup the registry and/or create a Restore Point.
Views: 1373 | Added by: arsh | Date: 2011-10-29 | Comments (1)

Latest Security Flaw in Skype Enables IP address & Location Tracking
Category: TECH NEWS | Views: 302 | Added by: arsh | Date: 2011-10-29 | Comments (0)

Facebook Ticker exposing your information and behavior without your knowledge

Facebook rolled out major changes across its website, users are starting to wrap their heads around  ... Read more »
Category: TECH NEWS | Views: 311 | Added by: arsh | Date: 2011-10-29 | Comments (2)

Create and Remember Secure Multiple Passwords

It is a general concern... how to keep track of so many passwords for so many accounts, all of which have to change annually. The solution is to use a custom formula in your head that allows you to determine what a password is on a given account. You don’t have to remember 100 passwords, only the formula. 

Passwords are the oldest and most widely used form of authentication, but also the weakest. To get the biggest worth for your money, you must choose a password that incorporates ... Read more »
Views: 339 | Added by: arsh | Date: 2011-10-29 | Comments (1)

If you are into computers and hacking, there is bound to be a movie which sparked your interest...(or maybe a book! catch you later on that! smile
some of my favorites are : 

1. TRON 
TRON Poster 
A hacker is literally abducted into the world of a computer and forced to participate in gladiatorial games where his only chance of escape is with the help of a heroic security prog ... Read more »
Category: FUN | Views: 531 | Added by: arsh | Date: 2011-10-29 | Comments (6)

Top 15 Security/Hacking Tools & Utilities

1. Nmap 

I think everyone has heard of this one, recently evolved into the 4.x series. 

Nmap (Network Mappe ... Read more »
Views: 4914 | Added by: arsh | Date: 2011-10-29 | Comments (4)

Cain and Abel

It is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems that enables network administrators to test network security, or home users to recover a variety of stored network passwords. The progra ... Read more »
Views: 281 | Added by: PREET | Date: 2011-10-29 | Comments (0)

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